Recurrent Pregnancy Loss
Recurrent Pregnancy Loss
Recurrent pregnancy loss, or recurring miscarriage, is a painful experience and a difficult discussion to have. However, it isn't necessarily a sign that pregnancy is impossible.
If you’ve experienced the loss of multiple pregnancies, please know that a future pregnancy is still possible. At Reproductive Gynecology & Infertility, we are dedicated to creating a safe and compassionate environment where you can talk about your fertility struggles, health challenges, fears, and hopes.
What is recurrent
pregnancy loss?
- Uterine anomaly: Irregularities in the uterine structure are often contributing factors to pregnancy loss. The most common abnormality is a septate uterus (a uterine cavity divided in the middle by a thin membrane wall). Other issues include: endometrial polyps, intrauterine adhesions, or fibroid tumors.
- Structural chromosomal anomaly: Certain genetic abnormalities contribute to pregnancy loss. These might be present in either the male reproductive cells (sperm) or female reproductive cells (egg).
- Autoimmune disorders: Autoimmune disorders are conditions that cause an erratic immune response. When the immune response is abnormal, autoantibodies attack parts of the body as though they were infections. Certain autoimmune diseases are particularly threatening to reproductive health. These include lupus, scleroderma, and Sjogren’s syndrome. Rheumatoid arthritis could also lead to complications, though largely due to the medications sometimes used to treat it. Joint swelling and stiffness, fatigue, swollen glands, and recurrent fever are common symptoms of autoimmune disorders.
- Obesity: A body mass index (BMI) above 30 raises the risk of infertility and miscarriage.
- Lifestyle factors: Heavy alcohol consumption, smoking, and use of narcotics increase the risk of miscarriage.
- Advanced maternal age: The risk of miscarriage increases as maternal age increases. As your eggs age, they develop chromosomal anomalies, causing chromosomes to divide improperly. Abnormal chromosome division can lead to significant developmental issues. This phenomenon causes infertility, miscarrying, and conditions like Down’s Syndrome and Turner Syndrome in offspring.

Why should I consider treatment for recurrent pregnancy loss?
IUI is a relatively quick procedure that can address a wide variety of fertility issues. These include:
- Infertility in men. The IUI process effectively optimizes sperm quality in male partners with low sperm count or sperm with low motility.
- Cervical obstructions. IUI bypasses the cervix, which may obstruct the path of the sperm due to its shape, scar tissue, or mucus.
- Ovulation challenges. IUI might be appropriate for women with certain ovulatory factors, including low egg count.
- Unexplained infertility. When there is no diagnosed cause of infertility, often the first treatment stage involves ovulation stimulating medications and IUI.
Treatments For Recurrent Miscarriage
- Surgery. Surgical intervention is recommended for certain structural anomalies, such as fibroids, polyps, and cysts.\
- IVF. In vitro fertilization addresses numerous conditions, including genetic issues detectable via preimplantation genetic screening.
- Medications. Certain fertility challenges can be resolved by administering the appropriate medications. For example, if you are diagnosed with antiphospholipid antibody syndrome, blood-thinning medications might address the issue.
- Donor services. In certain cases, donor eggs or embryos might offer the best chances for successful family building.
Reproductive Gynecology & Infertility has provided exceptional reproductive health services to communities throughout Northeast Ohio since 1993. We have learned that the best outcomes are achieved when patients feel comfortable, respected, and heard. If you are experiencing difficulties in getting pregnant or maintaining a pregnancy, please contact the representatives at RGI for a consultation.
RGI offers comprehensive infertility and recurrent pregnancy loss treatment programs that address a broad scope of underlying issues. To discuss your concerns with a caring fertility specialist, please call 866-862-5861 today.